Swedish Massage

What is Swedish Massage?

Swedish Massage Is A Popular Style Of Massage Involving Effleurage (Stroking), Petrissage (Kneading), Tapotement (Striking), Friction (Rubbing), And Vibration/Shaking As The Basic Stroke. Swedish Massage promotes Relaxation, Increase Blood Flow, Decrease Stress.

Swedish massage is the most common and best known type of massage modalities in North America. It is thought to reduce pain, joint stiffness and poor circulation and is the basis for other types of massage including sports massage. What are the techniques involved in Swedish Massage? It involves stroking, kneading, striking, friction, and vibration.

Techniques involved in Swedish massage:

  • • Effleurage which is a form of massage that involve smooth strokes of the skin with one's hands. Effleurage techniques are performed along the length of the muscle, typically in a distal to proximal sequence. Effleurage techniques are performed along the length of the muscle, typically in a distal to proximal sequence. These techniques are executed throughout a massage routine, with the strokes performed slowly utilizing light or gentle pressure.
  • • Petrissage is a form of massage involving kneading or wringing the skin with one's fingers, knuckles and thumbs. These techniques are generally performed with deeper pressure to patient tolerance.
  • • Friction is performed by using the fingers to apply a force moving transversely across the target tissue.
  • • Tapotement is a form of massage involving hitting the body with various parts of one's hand